The purpose of this page is to visually show all the components that are available to use within the Flexible Landing Page Template. There are 32 components available to use. This page will detail components 1 - 16.

  • Grey Section:
    • Brief overview of the component
    • What the component is made up. 
  • Component in action:
    • You may see multiple versions of the component to showcase the flexibility.


Related Work Component

The component automatically pulls in 3 work case studies. The component is made up of the following:

  • Title (optional)
  • 3 work case study blocks
  • This is all automated: You simply type in the work case study name.


Accordion Component

An accordion is a type of menu that displays a list of headers stacked on top of one another. When a header is clicked it will reveal the associated content. The component is made up of the following:

  • Title (optional)
  • Accordion Item: Header and content.
    Content within each accordion item can be formatted using the WYSIWYG editor.
  • Call to Action button can be added.

Edelman Boundless
Edelman Boundless is a collaborative network for employees of Asian cultures and their allies to confide and advance a collective commitment to understanding, equity and belonging. The mission of Boundless is empowered by members' unique perspectives and incredibly diverse cultures, strengthening efforts to educate Edelman colleagues on the experiences of Asian communities.
Edelman Equal
Edelman Equal's mission is to inspire a diverse and inclusive environment that enables LGBTQIA+ employees to be their authentic selves and drives forward the firm's business within the context of an evolving global society. The group focuses on employee advocacy, business development and organizational culture.

Edelman Boundless
Edelman Boundless is a collaborative network for employees of Asian cultures and their allies to confide and advance a collective commitment to understanding, equity and belonging. The mission of Boundless is empowered by members' unique perspectives and incredibly diverse cultures, strengthening efforts to educate Edelman colleagues on the experiences of Asian communities.
Contact Us

How we Can Help You

Edelman Boundless
Edelman Boundless is a collaborative network for employees of Asian cultures and their allies to confide and advance a collective commitment to understanding, equity and belonging. The mission of Boundless is empowered by members' unique perspectives and incredibly diverse cultures, strengthening efforts to educate Edelman colleagues on the experiences of Asian communities.


Call To Action Component

Ability to have a Title, Text and a Call to Action Button. You can use all the elements together or parts to create different call to actions. The Title and text are centre aligned. Call to Action button - you can add 1 or 2.

The component is made up of the following:

  • Call to Action Buttons
  • Title and Call to Action Button
  • Text and Call to Action Button
  • Title, Text and both Call to Action Buttons

Why Do we Study Trust

Our work as a global communications firm is built on earning the trust of our clients’ stakeholders through reputation management, commerce and brand advocacy. For more than 20 years, we have studied the influence of trust across society — government, media, business, and NGOs — to shape conversation, drive results and earn action. Our work has proven that an organization’s ability to succeed or fail is defined by trust in their mission and leadership, and our industry-leading research explains why.

Why do we study Trust?

Our work as a global communications firm is built on earning the trust of our clients’ stakeholders through reputation management, commerce and brand advocacy. For more than 20 years, we have studied the influence of trust across society — government, media, business, and NGOs — to shape conversation, drive results and earn action. Our work has proven that an organization’s ability to succeed or fail is defined by trust in their mission and leadership, and our industry-leading research explains why.


Full Bleed Media Component

This component has a lot of flexibility. Within this component you have the ability to do the following:

  • Add an image.
  • Add an image - with text placed over.
  • Add an image - set to full width.
  • Add a video.
  • Add a video - set to full width.
  • Carousel: If you add more than one asset, you will get the carousel effect (overlay arrows, image preview below). This can be done with Images & Videos, or just Images, or just Videos.


Large Callouts Component

Content that has an image on one side and content on the other. The first large callout will have an image on the left hand side, and content on the right hand side. Any large callout added after will have the layout flipped.

  • Section Title (optional).
  • Image / Video
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Text
  • Call to Action Link

Latest Research

Special Report: Brand Trust

The Collapse of the Purchase Funnel

In a volatile world rife with pressures on consumers, from health and the economy to challenges to rights and freedoms and an eroding sense of community, consumers are demanding more from brands.

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Vaseline: See My SKin

Work Case Study

With a brand purpose of Equitable Skincare for All, Vaseline® set out to do something about the lack of diversity in dermatological imagery. This was not just a user experience problem, but an equity issue too.

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Quote Component

Ability to add a quote to the page.

  • Original styling: Quote in capitals with Author
  • Trust Styling: Quote in capitals with Author. Ability to set the background and the quotation marks colour.

Millennials may have killed the doorbell and the top sheet, but Gen Z killed the purchase funnel

Jackie Cooper

Millennials may have killed the doorbell and the top sheet, but Gen Z killed the purchase funnel

Jackie Cooper


Jackie Cooper


Related Content Component

Pulls in Related Content in big blocks showcasing the image, Tag, Title and brief description.

  • Title
  • This is all automated: You simply type in the page name (currently only pulls in News & Press Releases and Insights.
  • Note: There is no limit on the amount of articles you can pull in - but be mindful that theses are quite large in look & feel and take up a lot of real estate.


Tabs Component

Tabs can be used on a website as a way of dividing content into meaningful sub-sections and can be used to prevent the need for multiple pages around a similar topic. Tabbed content occupies less screen space so the user can intuitively and efficiently access relevant content. The component is made up of the following:

  • Section Title (optional)
  • Background image: you can set a background image on each tab - which displays as a border around the content within the tab.
  • Content within each tab item can be formatted using the WYSIWYG editor.

How We help clients



Tackling complex business problems with a digital-first approach

We solve complex business challenges with digital-first solutions that accelerate growth to help brands evolve and transform, and help them build the cultures, systems and tools needed to earn attention and build trust.

Contact Us


Designing real-world and digitally-integrated experiences

We create experiences that seamlessly integrate technology, data and people to help companies earn trust.

  • Enterprise websites and intranets
  • Event activations and kiosks
  • Voice/chat bots and AI
  • AR/VR and immersive environments
  • UX design
  • Mobile apps
Contact Us



Tackling complex business problems with a digital-first approach

We solve complex business challenges with digital-first solutions that accelerate growth to help brands evolve and transform, and help them build the cultures, systems and tools needed to earn attention and build trust.


Designing real-world and digitally-integrated experiences

We create experiences that seamlessly integrate technology, data and people to help companies earn trust.

  • Enterprise websites and intranets
  • Event activations and kiosks
  • Voice/chat bots and AI
  • AR/VR and immersive environments
  • UX design
  • Mobile apps


Three Large Callouts Component

Callouts to 3 sections. This component is made up of:

  • Section Title (optional)
  • Each callout has: a Title and Link
  • Background Image: Creates the call out in circular image.
  • Icon Image: Creates the call out in square image.

More About Edelman


Full Bleed WYSIWYG Component

This component allows you to essentially create content how you would want it to show, not using one of the components built in the backend.
This component uses free HTML and CSS.
Requires an element of knowledge of basic HTML.

Personal and societal threats have led to a more discerning consumer


are more price conscious

are doing more research before they buy

are making fewer impulse purchases

say there are brands they will not buy because of the countries in which they are HQ'd


Collection Layout Component

Showcasing some thought leadership articles in a visual way. This component is made up of:

  • Section Title (optional)
  • Left layout: Has primary article showcased, with 2 secondary articles next to it
  • Right layout: Has 2 secondary articles, with the primary article showcased on the right
  • Brief description: Able to add text under the articles
  • Call to Action

Latest Insights

Expert views on the political, social and economic factors influencing trust in society.

Expert views on the political, social and economic factors influencing trust in society.


Collection List Component

Ability to showcase 3 pieces of content. This component is made up of:

  • Section Title (optional)
  • 3 articles (Can be News, Insights). It will automatically pull in: The tag and Title.
  • Brief description: Able to add text under the articles
  • Call to Action

Latest Articles

Expert views on the political, social and economic factors influencing trust in society.


Article Block Component

Large block callout. This component is made up of:

  • Label, Title, Text, Call to Action, Image
  • Ability to have Text on the left and image on the right and vice versa.
Brand Trust

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Special Report - Brand Trust

In a volatile world rife with pressures on consumers, from health and the economy to challenges to rights and freedoms and an eroding sense of community, consumers are demanding more from brands.
Learn More
Edelman Gen Z Lab

Gen Z Lab

A dedicated consortium of 250+ GenZers around the globe, poised and ready to help marketers and brand leaders engage their generation effectively.
See More


Double Card Component

Staggered 2 block callouts, slightly more compact. This component is made up of:

  • Image, Label, Title, Text
  • Content is all linked on hover. 


Full Bleed Article Component

Large callout. Component is made up of:

  • Image, Label, Title, Text and Call to Action.
  • Ability to align text: left, right and center.
  • Gradient overlay can be placed from left to right; right to left.

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Special Report - Brand Trust

In a volatile world rife with pressures on consumers, from health and the economy to challenges to rights and freedoms and an eroding sense of community, consumers are demanding more from brands.
Learn More

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Special Report - Brand Trust

In a volatile world rife with pressures on consumers, from health and the economy to challenges to rights and freedoms and an eroding sense of community, consumers are demanding more from brands.

Learn More

2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Special Report - Brand Trust

In a volatile world rife with pressures on consumers, from health and the economy to challenges to rights and freedoms and an eroding sense of community, consumers are demanding more from brands.

Learn more