To celebrate Pride 2024, we are focusing on “Every Day Pride”, the daily experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals in all aspects of their lives. For this special Pride edition of Inside Edelman, we profiled members of our global community to highlight their unique experiences and point of view as they reflect on what it means to be LGBTQIA+ within the firm and beyond.
What does "Everyday Pride" mean to you?
"Everyday Pride" means being able to be myself every day. I think as human beings, we tend to believe that we have to be proud of who we are only when we achieve "big things." In today's political and social climate, being proud of who you are and celebrating it every day is powerful. Owning your identity is a way of taking space, space we deserve to take up.
In your opinion, are non-LGBTQIA+ allies fully aware of the obstacles faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals? How can they raise their awareness?
I think that while allyship has increased towards our community, many allies strive to understand and support the LGBTQIA+ community, fully understanding the unique experiences and challenges these individuals face can be difficult for those who have not lived these experiences firsthand.
Education is key when it comes to raising awareness, from reading LGBTQIA+ literature, to attending seminars, conferences and listening to testimonies and experiences from members of the community. Understanding our context, our struggles and history, allows allies to not only comprehend our lives, but also it allows us as members of the community to open dialogues that provide firsthand experience. Dialogue allows us to build bridges and create new ways of living and socializing.
Finally, granting visibility to LGBTQIA+ voices is fundamental to allyship, especially as members of the community in several countries continue to struggle to reach a seat at the table where decisions regarding their rights are being made. It is powerful when allies make our community, our lifestyles, and our identities visible.
Can you share any positive examples or best practices you've seen in the workplace that effectively support LGBTQIA+ employees?
Something that I love about Edelman’s culture is that identity is celebrated throughout the year, as well as diversity. During Pride Month, offices tend to hold events and conversations regarding the community and its struggles, but Edelman celebrates diversity all year with initiatives such as the Week of Belonging. I am a firm believer that to belong is to be celebrated for your identity as a whole and Edelman does that.
What is something about Pride Month that brings you joy? Is there an event or activity you look forward to every year?
The celebration. Seeing the world celebrate identity and fight for it inspires me a lot during this month. It gives me strength to continue to be myself and it gives me hope for our future.
How do you find ways to celebrate your identity on a daily basis?
For me, it comes down to being myself out loud and celebrating the people around me and who they are. Highlighting my identity, as well as that of people in my circle is powerful; when people are seen, they tend to feel valued, like they belong but it is also confirmation that who we are is okay, it should not be hidden.
What advice would you give to young LGBTQIA+ individuals who are just starting their careers?
My main advice would be to not stop being who you are. Your identity is a source of strength and uniqueness. It can feel very scary to be yourself when you're just learning about the world and sometimes, we might feel compelled to silence who we are, because of that fear. There are spaces out there that celebrate our identities, but we can also create those spaces, it is our power. Our identity is revolutionary.
Fortuna Osorio is an Ambassador for the Edelman Gen Z Lab and an Analyst for EGA in Mexico.