The 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brands and Politics explores the intersection of culture and politics and how brands can prepare for, and navigate, politics in a divided world.

The research is clear: The line between brands and the society they operate in has dissolved. Today, consumers are expressing their politics – and their power – through brand choices, contributing to a new normal that is opening brands up to exposure they cannot avoid.

The study was fielded in the spring of 2024, a year in which half the world’s population will elect new leaders. Election outcomes are respondents' number one societal fear, topping threats to climate, personal safety, and concerns about being able to pay “my” bills.


8 in 10 see brands as political

There is no escaping politics for brands. Among the 78 percent who feel at least some brands are doing political things, they consider those actions to include brands taking a stand on issues, as well as encouraging voting, recruiting diverse employees, and reducing climate impact.

In the face of political pressure, brands can’t hide

Political pressure is inevitable, and brands need to be prepared for when it happens, not if. When a brand is under pressure to take a side on a controversial or political issue, 71 percent say the brand must take a position. And when a brand does not communicate its actions on societal issues, a majority believe the brand is doing nothing or hiding something (51 percent).

Consumers will protect the brands they trust

Consumers who fully trust a brand are more likely to purchase that brand, stay loyal to it, and advocate for it. Loyalty not only earns brands their customers’ business, but it will also grant them forgiveness when it makes a mistake.


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Trust and Brand

How to live your values and earn trust in a politicized culture


Don’t be paralyzed by politics

Today, culture is politics and many everyday brand actions can be seen as political. In a world where silence is a stance, the question isn’t “should I get involved in politics?” but rather “how do I navigate politics?”

Act multi-local

Against a backdrop of geopolitical tension and polarization, brands must be agile and adaptable. They must live their values locally and demonstrate positive impact everywhere they do business.

Know their politics

To know your audience means to know their politics—a fundamental difference in how relevance and trust are earned today. Be authentic and defend the values you share with customers and employees.

Action drives trust

Good business is powered by action and every brand has an opportunity to act. Know your brand’s unique permission space for clarity on when, why, and how to act.



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Top Findings


Politics upends the business of brands     


Against the backdrop of elections and conflicts around the globe, 60 percent of respondents across 14 countries surveyed say they are buying, choosing, or avoiding brands based on their politics.


Brand choices define social identity     


About 6 in 10 Gen Z (age 18-27) and Millennials (age 28-43) feel a connection with people who use the same brands that they do; nearly half say they judge others on their brand choices.


Every brand has a unique permission space for action     


Shared values, along with the political and cultural context, define when, why, and how a brand should act – whether the action be big or small, external or internal. Eighty-four percent say they need to share values with a brand in order to buy it.



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The 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brand and Politics is the firm’s 6th annual survey. The research was produced by the Edelman Trust Institute and consisted of 30-minute online interviews conducted between April 13 and March 24, 2024. Learn more >




Respondents / Country




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