About the Event

In much of the world, some institutions are not seen as having a shared vision of the future, leading to an increasing sense of polarization, a retreat into media echo chambers, and deepening divides across class, political and international fault lines. Amidst these challenges, is there still common ground to be found?

The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, our annual study that surveys in 28 markets, will examine today’s biggest challenges and identify opportunities for building trust, unity and common purpose, and provide a guide for CEOs and other societal leaders to build cooperation in a polarized, fragmented world.

On January 18, Richard Edelman will unveil the findings live from the World Economic Forum, followed by an esteemed panel to discuss the key implications for business and society.

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Lorenzo Simonelli

Lorenzo Simonelli

Chairman & CEO, Baker Hughes

Rt Hon. Helen Clark

Rt Hon. Helen Clark

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand & Former Administrator of UNDP

David Miliband

David Miliband

President & CEO, International Rescue Committee

Hanneke Faber

Hanneke Faber

President, Nutrition, Unilever

Jane Sun

Jane Sun

CEO, Trip.com Group

Yoshito Hori

Yoshito Hori

Founder & President, GLOBIS University; Founding Partner, GLOBIS Capital Partners

Richard Edelman

Richard Edelman

CEO, Edelman

Thorold Barker

Thorold Barker (Moderator)

Editor, EMEA, Wall Street Journal