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Edelman Impact. Change won't wait.

Impact at its best is simple. It’s a mindset – the choice to make a difference. And when you get past the noise, it’s just good business.

Because stripping away the noise, if you aren’t leading change, someone else is.

We are a global practice of seasoned Impact professionals, hungry for action and driven by optimism. We serve courageous leaders in sustainability, communications, brand marketing, human resources, government relations, strategy, finance and operations.

Edelman was an early mover and for two decades our clients have defined and advanced award-winning impact work that has set the pace for others to follow.

We have now entered a new era. Demand for impact – from employees, customers and decision elites is increasing, not decreasing [LINK TO STUDY]. An erosion of trust in institutions demands a new approach, demanding more of us all.

Edelman Impact takes on the toughest issues and most ambitious briefs. We thrive where ideas, audiences and ideas collide. When the problem is difficult to define - or the answer feels out of reach - we don’t shy away. Wherever you are in your brand or enterprise journey, we are here to help you navigate today’s challenges shape a world fit for tomorrow.

C-Suite Advice | Impact & Sustainability Strategy | Data & Analytics | Purpose Design and Activation | Creative Content & Storytelling | Narrative Development | Issues Management | Government & Policy Intelligence | Strategic Partnerships & Philanthropy | Integrated Brand Campaign Management | Executive Communications | ESG Disclosures & Reporting.

We can help you with

Edelman Impact - Impact, Sustainability and ESG Strategies

Impact, Sustainability and ESG Strategies

We want to help our clients grow responsibly. We can help you to analyze and define your priorities, develop your company’s strategy and plans, and act on and communicate those priorities in a way that builds trust and drives lasting, measurable impact. This can be at the board and management level or for specific business units, brands, products or executives. We never leave our plans on paper. We bring them to life.


Navigating Policy and Engaging Governments

Navigating Policy and Engaging Governments

Our Impact network comprises dedicated public affairs advisers. Ex-diplomats, regulatory experts, and professionals with global government experience specialized in simplifying complex government systems and multinational organizations, identifying ways to drive change on the most pressing global and local issues.


Regulatory Advisory, Reporting and Disclosure

Regulatory Advisory, Reporting and Disclosure

Financial communications are central to building and maintaining trust. Edelman Impact includes a global team of experts offering top-tier services in strategy, capital markets, global disclosure regimes and shifting stakeholder expectations relating to ESG. We can help you develop and implement sophisticated ESG strategies to manage risks, seize opportunities, and build trust among stakeholders.


Defining and Activating Purpose

Defining and Activating Purpose

The meaning of Purpose has shifted in recent years, but the need for it has not. Most employees expect to work for a company or a leader with a clear purpose beyond making profit. And 84% of people globally report the need to share values with a brand to use it. If you have not defined your Purpose yet, or your business focus has changed, we guide you through the process of discovering and defining an organization-wide, company purpose that can help you grow with meaning.


Creative Campaigns to Ignite Action

Creative Campaigns to Ignite Action

Policy is just one way to drive change. Creativity inspires action. Edelman Impact is one of the most awarded agencies in the world for its creative, purpose-driven campaigns. We can help you craft integrated campaigns that deliver transformative societal change while also driving sales. We don’t apologize for uniting impact and commerce, because when people buy products with purpose, companies think differently and act with more ambition.


Expert Counsel on Complex Societal Issues

Expert Counsel on Complex Societal Issues

As the world’s #1 independent strategic communications firm, we understand the hot issues that cause controversy. If you aren’t sure which issues you need to worry about, or how to handle them when a crisis threatens, Edelman Impact provides issues sensing and strategic guidance built on deep understanding of your industry and social dynamics. Always starting with data and insight, we can help you navigate deeply polarizing issues at the speed of culture.


World-class Data, Insights and Research

World-class Data, Insights and Research

In the modern era for impact, it’s non-negotiable that decisions and actions be anchored in data. The world is so polarized that the days of gut instinct are long since in the rear-view mirror. Edelman Impact includes a borderless global team uniting the best minds in research, analytics, performance marketing, behavioral science, econometrics and data. We combine human expertise with the newest innovations in AI and technology to strengthen our clients’ stakeholder relationships and create the connections needed for driving lasting impact.


Impact in the News



What to Know About the SEC's Final Climate Rule

Nearly two years after the SEC issued its preliminary climate rule, the world’s largest financial...

yellow abstract, paint stripes


Focus on my world to change the world

A recent Forbes Health/One poll survey found that of that 87% of people who had set themselves New...

Provoke Media

Provoke Media

I Want Us To Stand Up For ESG

Richard Edelman has called on the PR industry to keep fighting for ESG principles, at a "golden...

Roe V Wade


Roe v. Wade’s Demise Is a Turning Point for Corporate America

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade comes at a time when there are 2 million fewer...

Our Work

We are trust-makers, business builders, and culture creators. For more than 70 years, we have led campaigns with real impact on consumers, society, and the bottom line.

Some of our Experts

The Edelman Impact team unites deep subject expertise. We have established global expert networks centered on global issues that all companies should consider, including regenerative agriculture, food systems, circularity, plastics, future mobility, energy transition, disinformation, and the ethical use of AI. Reach out to any of our experts for a discussion on how we might support you in addressing your challenges:

Alex Thompson

New York

Deanna Tallon


Jo Osario


Alex Heath

New York

Trisch Smith

Washington, DC

Mary Pollard


Mark McGinn


Lane Jost

New York

Nikolaus Schultz


Ashley Minnifield

New York

Eleanor O’Keeffe

London / Abu Dhabi

Scott Evans


Emily Chan

San Francisco

Paul Sammon


Karena Crerar


Vidya Satchit

New York

Natalia Martinez

Sao Paolo
Connect with the Team
Please fill out the form to submit inquiries about our work, our data, partnership opportunities, and other interests.

Edelman Business Marketing is focused on driving reputation, business demand and revenue growth for B2B clients through integrated communications programs.

Leveraging a unique blend of public relations, digital marketing, advertising, media buying and demand generation, our strategic approach helps brands cut through the noise of today’s buying experience and deliver targeted messages that influence buyers in the right places, at the right time.

With a dedicated team of nearly 100 B2B specialists across the globe, we support clients in industries such as aerospace & defense, energy, enterprise technology, financial services, food and beverage, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation, among others.

We blend the art and science of creative communications and digital marketing to generate ROI through personalized content, targeted thought leadership strategies and marketing technology.

Joe Kingsbury, Global Chair


We help B2B brands

Target key audiences using data-driven research and analysis.

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Create compelling content for strong thought leadership programs.

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Engage verified buyers at critical touchpoints of the customer journey.

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Optimize marketing technology stacks for specific strategy needs.

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The Trustmakers:
Siemens' Lynette Jackson on Moving Content Beyond Relevance Toward Value

Lynette Jackson, Chief Communications Officer at Siemens, sits down with Joe Kingsbury, Global Chair of Edelman Business Marketing, to discuss the value of thought leadership in building trust, especially in a B2B context.

Edelman–LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report

Edelman and LinkedIn have collaborated on an annual study to examine how thought leadership influences buying behaviors among B2B decision-makers and C-suite executives.

Insights & Media Coverage

Awards & Accolades
Business Marketing

2022 Killer Content Awards: Nurture Campaign

B2B Marketing

2020 Best Multichannel Campaign: Gold

B2 Awards

2020 B2B Large Agency of the Year: Gold


How we can partner with you
Our Business Marketing team will meet you where you are on your journey, working together to power change from the inside out.